The Crew

Find the crew on Saint Simons Island this month at Golden Isle Olive Oil Culinary Center 9/20 from 12-3 and at the Glynn Visual Arts Show 9/23-9/24.

We have often been asked about our crew. This question is where this month’s blog post was inspired. Over our 9 year span we have been blessed to have some helpers for a season just when we needed an extra hand. However, our day in and day out crew is comprised of just 2. I could not do what I do currently do without my knight in shining armor!

My husband, David, and I are opposites. He is the actual factual partner. He is the chef of the brittles, the extruder, the shipper and the packer. He keeps all our paperwork top notch and more.

He thought he had retired. He says he is simply cheap labor. He loves to tell how he has worked since age 13 and done many manly jobs. He has operated heavy equipment, balanced motors, drove a truck, fought fire, paved roads, and now he sells cookies! I love the dry humor he brings day by day!

Our near perfect marriage has not always been so. It has been refined by trials, failures, forgiveness and most importantly our love for Jesus! Happy anniversary to us!